| Control: Achieving the desired contact between remedial materials and contaminants requires control of the subsurface forms created by the injection event. FRx relies upon a sound understanding of physical and geotechnical principles to adapt injection methods for optimal results. Click here for more information.
Practically any remediation agent or material is compatible with one or more of our injection technologies. Furthermore, FRx can deliver granular solids, such as zero valent iron, by the ton into target formations. Click here for more information.
The physical principles exploited by our injection technologies can be applied to any solid media - whether unconsolidated soil or crystalline bedrock. Geology does not limit our experience. Click here for more information.
Our ServicesFRx provides specialty injection and delivery services in support of soil, bedrock, and groundwater remediation. The injection methods used by FRx control the placement and distribution of treatment materials and reagent, promoting the in situ contact that is so critical for remediation success. Read More
| Industry PioneersFRx was founded in 1994 to provide innovative technologies developed by the US EPA. Since then FRx has continued to refine and advance the art by adopting technological advancements to address deeper and more recalcitrant formations such as crystalline granite. Read More
| ExperienceFRx has worked at hundreds of sites in diverse geological settings across North America and Northern Europe. During the course of the thousands of injection events FRx has handled all of the common remediation materials and many esoteric substances. Read More
FRx does not perform high volume hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") for the purpose of stimulating oil or gas wells in deep shale formations - the technology that has attracted considerable attention lately. For additional information about the differences between "fracking" and our services, please click here.
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